Top > 4.How to use Dionea > 1.Installing Dionea
  1. Installing Dionea
    • Need Packages
      Dionea uses many other packages as below. We provide these altogether as a single tar.gz file, so that you may save time for downloading each of them separately.

      * Python-2.5.* or 2.4.*
        - Python(2.5.2) [Recommend]
          -- A patch of Dionea for Python-2.5.2
        - Python(2.5.1)
          -- A patch of Dionea for Python-2.5.1
        - Python(2.4.1)
          -- A patch of Dionea for Python-2.4.1
      * Ruby-1.8.6, 1.8.5 or 1.8.4
      * Qt-3.***
      * PyQt-x11-gpl-3.17.4
      * sip-4.7.3
      * python-jplib
      * Syck-0.45
      * uconv-0.4.11

    • Download need-dionea-packages-*.*.*.tar.gz
       % tar xvzf need-dionea-packages-*.*.*.tar.gz
       % cd need-dionea-packages-*.*.*

    • Intalling Python
      Get Python-2.5.2, Python-2.5.1 or Python-2.4.1 from
      Expand the tarball file, move to the directory, and do as follows:
      % patch -p1 < dionea_py2.5.2_ceval.c.patch or dionea+issue1265_py2.5.1_ceval.c.patch
                    or dionea_py2.4.1_ceval.c.patch
      % ./configure
      % make
      % make install
      If Python is already installed by RPM etc, you should do the above without deleting it.
      The following works must be done using the newly installed Python.

    • Installing Ruby (
      Get Ruby 1.8.6, 1.8.5 or 1.8.4.
      % ./configure
      % make
      % make install

    • Installing Qt3.**(
      Qt can be installed either by RPM or by the source code.
      % rpm -ivh qt-3.xx-x.rpm
      % rpm -ivh qt-devel-3.xx-x.rpm

    • Installing SIP
      Get the tarball from
      Expand this file, move to the expanded directory, and do as follows:
      % python
      % make
      % make install

    • Installing PyQt
      Get the tarball file of PyQt from
      Expand this file, move to the expanded directory, and do as follows:
      % python -y qt-mt
      % make
      % make install

    • Installing python-jplib
      Get the file from
      % python install

    • Installing syck
      Get the tarball file from
      Expand this file, move to the expanded directory, and do as follows:

      1. Installing the body of syck
        % ./configure
        % make
        % make check
        % sudo make install
      2. Installing syck-python
        % cd ext/python/
        % python build
        % sudo python install
      3. Installing syck-ruby
        % cd ext/ruby
        % ruby install.rb config
        % ruby install.rb setup
        % sudo ruby install.rb install

    • Installing uconv(
      Expand this file, move to the new directory, and do:
      % ruby extconf.rb
      % make
      % make install

    • Installing Dionea
      Expand the tarball file, move to the newly created directory, and do:
      * (Using Python-2.4.1) Edit the Makefile.
        -I/usr/local/include/python2.5 -I/usr/include/python2.5 ==>
        -I/usr/local/include/python2.4 -I/usr/include/python2.4
      % make